February 26, 2011


"The prime minister says that local authorities should make internal efficiencies before making cuts in services and charity funding."
Spot says:
Ay up me ducks, did you spot the stereotype?  Of course you did....now my grandma, god rest her soul, always used to say – ‘Spot - the minute you hear anyone banging on about “efficiencies”, get out your trusty magnifying glass and have a closer look.’  How right she was.
On the one hand you’ve got local councils serving ordinary people and supporting the poorest and most vulnerable, and on the other you’ve got the banks, whose sole purpose is to make profits and who got us into this mess by over-lending to the point that some of them were about to go bust.   
Interesting that - so who exactly should be making “efficiencies” and who is in need of reform?
Nottingham City Council has had their 2011/12 government funding cut by 25% -  does anyone seriously expect us to believe that they are that inefficient! And even if they are – will they still be so inefficient next year that funding will be cut by a further 10% or more?

It’s a working class stereotype that organisations that employ and serve mainly working class people are inefficient – and we’re not having any of it.
Do us a favour Dave – until you are going to propose a 25% tax increase on the banks to force them to make efficiencies, keep your hands off our public services.
Yours Spot

Keeping the Spotlight on the stereotypes.