February 10, 2011


David Cameron blamed a "mob" at a student protest for behaving in an "absolutely feral way" and being “hell bent on violence and destroying property."

Spot says:

Ay up me ducks, did you spot the stereotype?  Of course you did - “feral”: like wild animals, ferocious, reverted to the wild.
Well it’s not the first time that angry working class people have been likened to wild animals when they have demonstrated against injustice.

Sticks and stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you, so some people say, but my grandma, God rest her soul, saw it differently – “first they label you as animals, then they treat you like animals” she used to say - how wise she was.  Members of that so-called “feral mob” were surrounded and held in one place against their will for hours – without charge and all for peacefully protesting – not a humane way to treat our people.

I’ve got news for you Mr Cameron – working class people aren’t wild animals - we are 100% human (Woof! Woof!).  It’s our humanity that drives our fight for justice – that’s JUSTICE Mr C, not “cuts” or “efficiencies” – JUSTICE.  It is unjust to smash our social infrastructure which has been built up over the years while leaving the rich who can protect themselves from the cuts, to get richer.

We’re onto you Dave - pack in the name-calling and stop picking on working class people.

Yours Spot - Keeping the Spotlight on the stereotypes.