March 31, 2011

Myth: If we get rid of tax loopholes, charge a Robin Hood Tax on the banks, and increase bank regulations, banks and big business will leave the UK and this would be a disaster for the economy.

Greetings Citizens

If big businesses and banks “leave” the UK, it means they will no longer be operating in the UK – no Top Shops, no Boots, no Vodafones.  Those businesses are here because they have a market here and they are making profits here – that’s what they are paying tax on – the profits made in the UK.   If they move, other businesses whose owners are not so greedy will step in to fill the gap.  But Top Shop is not going to remove its shops from the UK, Barclay’s Bank is not going to remove its banks - their head office maybe – but with sensible tax laws that wouldn’t make a difference.  Where would they move to?  Somewhere where there aren’t already banks and Top Shops?  Somewhere were there isn’t a recession?  Or somewhere where there is lower corporation tax? – Well that excludes the USA, Japan, Germany and France for starters.  And if it’s so easy for them to leave, why do they put so much money into lobbying MPs about it?

FACT:Businesses and banks who threaten to leave the UK should be faced down not pandered to.  If they are not prepared to pay tax on the profits they make here, they should move over and make way for businesses who are.