February 26, 2011


FACT:  The powers that be are not going to let us know when we are rattling them and it’s true that demonstrating alone will not change things but it’s a vital step – a successful demonstration leads us onward and upward! 

Greetings Citizens!

Getting together to demonstrate reminds us how many of us do not support the Cuts, we remember that there is no mandate for these cuts and we all gain more confidence to take further steps.  The cuts are creating divisions in society; if we ask for money for one service, we are told it will be taken off another service. Getting together to fight these cuts in local and national demonstrations reminds us that we are all fighting for each other and stops us getting set up against each other.   So don’t be discouraged – that’s exactly what they want!

See you in Nottingham on 5th March!
See you in London on 26th March!

ΩΩΩΩΩΩ     Over and out!     ΩΩΩΩΩΩ